Sun Win Fun: Trang Chủ

Overview Introduction

Address: Dong Thanh Ward, Ninh Binh City, Ninh Binh Province. 
Phone: 0229.3.881.954, Fax: 229.3.871048, Email: [email protected]

The Department of Industry and Trade of Ninh Binh Province was established in March 2008 through the merger of the Department of Industry and the Department of Trade and Tourism, as stated in Decision No. 429/QD-UBND dated March 4, 2008, by the People's Committee of Ninh Binh Province.    
The current organizational structure consists of seven specialized departments: Office, Inspection Department, Industrial Department, Trade Department, Energy Department, Safety Technical Department, Import-Export Department, and 01 subordinate unit: Industrial, Trade Promotion, and Industrial Cluster Development Center
The Department of Industry and Trade has the following positions, functions, duties, and powers:
I. Functions
- The Department of Industry and Trade is a specialized agency under the Provincial People's Committee, performing the function of advising and helping the Provincial People's Committee to manage the state of industry and trade, including sectors: mechanics, metallurgy, electricity, new and renewable energy, petroleum (if any), chemicals, industrial explosives, mining and mineral processing industry (excluding construction materials), consumer goods industry, food industry, other processing industries, food safety, local commodity circulation, import-export, market management, trade promotion, e-commerce, commercial services, international economic integration, competition management, anti-dumping, consumer rights protection, industrial promotion, industrial cluster management, supporting industries, manage and organize the implementation of public services in branches and fields under the Department's management by law.
II. Duties and powers
1. Advisory and submission to the provincial People's Committee: 
a) Draft planning and plans for long-term, five-year, and annual programs and measures to organize the implementation of state administrative reform tasks in the field of industry and trade in the locality; 
b) Draft decisions and directives under the authority of the provincial People's Committee in the field of industry and trade; 
c) Draft specific regulations on functions, duties, powers, and organizational structure of the Department; 
d) Draft documents specifying conditions, standards, and titles for the Head and Deputy Head of units under the Department of Industry and Trade; draft regulations on standards for the titles of leaders in charge of industry and trade of the Office of Industry and Trade, Economic office of the People's Committees of district and city in the province.
2. Advisory and Submission to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee: 
a) Draft establishment decision, merger, division, and dissolution of organizations and units under the Department of Industry and Trade by law; 
b) Draft specific decisions and directives in the field of industry and trade under the authority of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.
3. Guide, organize, and inspect the implementation of legal transactions, policy, planning, plan, project, program, and regulations on industry and trade development after approval; inform, propagandize, guide, popularize, educate, and monitor law enforcement in the field of industry and trade.
4. Assist the Provincial People's Committee in presiding over, inspecting, and appraising the design of construction investment projects and quality of works in the industry and trade sector within the province according to decentralization; issue, modify, supplement, extend, and revoke of authorizations and certificates under the management responsibility of Industry and Trade Department by law, assignment or authorization of the Provincial People's Committee.
5. Industry and Cottage industry: 
a) Mechanics and metallurgy: 
Organizing the implementation of planning, plan, and policy for the development of the mechanical and metallurgical industry, emphasizing the development of critical mechanical and electro-electronic products, high-tech products, combining mechanical engineering and automation, and industrial electronics in the province. 
b) Supporting industry: 
Organizing the implementation of planning, plan, and policy for the development of the supporting industry in the province. 
c) Electricity, new energy, renewable energy, use energy economically and effectively: 
Organizing the implementation of planning, plan on development of electricity, new energy applications, renewable energy, use energy economically and effectively in the province; popularize, mobilize, guide, and inspect organizations and individuals on safe and effective use of electricity. Conduct legal knowledge training on electricity activities and electricity use for electricity management units in the province; train and retrain in professional, technical, and electrical safety for staff and technical workers of electricity management organizations in rural areas; Implement the deployment of the electricity pricing scheme in the province after approval by the competent authority; 
d) Mining and mineral processing industry (except for minerals used as construction materials and cement production): 
Presiding and coordinating relevant sectors to organize the planning, exploration, exploitation, processing, and use of minerals after approval by the competent authority; 
Guide and inspect the implementation of economic - technical, technological, safety, and hygiene standards and norms in mining and mineral processing in the province.
e) Chemical, industrial explosives, machinery, and equipment with strict technical safety and environmental protection requirements:
Organizing the implementation of planning, plan, and policy for the development of the chemical industry, industrial explosives, machinery, and equipment with strict technical safety requirements in the province;
Presiding and coordinating relevant provincial agencies to inspect and handle legal violations regarding the management, use, storage, business, and transportation of chemicals, industrial explosives, petroleum, liquefied petroleum gas, and machinery and equipment with strict technical safety requirements by law;
Implement environmental protection management by law in the field of industry and trade; Organize the implementation of planning and policy for the development of the environmental sector. 
f) Food safety; consumer goods industry, food industry, and other processing industries: 
Organizing the implementation of planning, plan, and policy for the development of the approved industry, including textile-garment, leather-footwear, paper, ceramics, glass, plastics, beer, wine, soft drinks, processed milk products, vegetable oil, processed flour products, starch, cakes, jams, candies, packaging, and other products; 
Guide and inspect the implementation of standards and regulations on the quality of industrial products, safety, and hygiene, industrial environment; food safety from the stage of production, processing, storage, transportation, and trade for products such as alcohol, beer, soft drinks, processed milk products, vegetable oil, flour products, starch, cakes, jams, candies, packaging, and other products; food safety for markets, supermarkets, and establishments under the system of storage and distribution of goods, food under the management of the Department; 
Guide and inspect the implementation of regulations on preventing food fraud and commercial fraud on the market for all types of food, food additives, food processing aids, tools, packaging materials, and containers the management of the Department. 
g) Industrial promotion: 
Presiding and advising the Provincial People's Committee in implementing state management tasks for industrial promotional activities; 
Implementing programs, plans, and industrial promotion projects at the local level for activities funded by national industrial promotion funds and activities funded by local industrial promotion funds; 
Guiding organizations and individuals to implement local industrial promotion projects; training, retraining, and resolving issues related to local industrial promotion activities by law; 
Conducting comprehensive work, reporting, and providing relevant information and documents; inspecting, evaluating, monitoring, and supervising the implementation of promotion projects, plans, and programs in the province.
h) For industrial clusters: 
Advising the Provincial People's Committee in implementing state management tasks for industrial clusters in the province by law; Presiding over the construction of planning, plan, mechanism, and policy for the development of industrial clusters and organizing implementation after approval by the Provincial People's Committee; Appraise establishment records, expanding industrial clusters; participate in opinions on the design of investment projects for infrastructure construction of industrial clusters and construction projects within industrial clusters as stipulated by law; 
Implementing mechanisms, preferential policies to attract investment, import and export, tax, finance, labor, and technical infrastructure construction, land clearance, relocation of production facilities, and new construction of industrial clusters in the province; Monitor, inspect, evaluate, and synthesize reports on the planning, investment, and operation of industrial clusters in the province. 
i) Cottage industrial: 
Presiding and coordinating with relevant agencies to implement program, project, mechanism, policies, and plan for the development of Cottage industrial, medium and small industrial enterprises, collective economic organizations in the province (including rural craft villages, cooperatives in the field of industry and trade); approve charters of those organizations; implement a program for voting typical rustic industrial products, review awards for people's artisans, outstanding artisans in the field of handicrafts.
6. Commercial Activities
a) Domestic Trade: 
Organizing the implementation of planning, plan, mechanism, and policy for managing the infrastructure network of wholesale and retail trade, including various market types, commercial centers, supermarket systems, store systems, cooperative trade associations, commercial service providers; systems of commercial agents, commercial franchise, logistics centers, and other types of commercial infrastructure; 
Take the lead and coordinate with relevant agencies to guide and organize the implementation of mechanisms and policies that encourage the expansion of business networks, the development of linked organizations for the circulation of goods, the establishment of stable channels for the circulation of goods from production to consumption in the province; 
Guide and inspect the implementation of regulations on prohibited and restricted goods and conditional business licenses for items such as tobacco, alcohol, gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, and other goods and services in the province according to legal regulations and the management hierarchy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade; Implement mechanism and policy to promote, encourage, and support the development of production, business, and the livelihood of people in mountainous areas, ethnic minority areas, and complex regions in the province (such as providing essential goods, supporting the circulation of goods and commercial services, etc.); 
Organizing the regulation of the circulation of goods, ensuring a balance of supply and demand for essential goods, ensuring the quality and safety of food, stabilizing and promoting the development of the provincial domestic market; 
Synthesize and process market information in the province about total goods circulation, total supply, total demand, circulating reserve levels, and price fluctuations of essential goods and policy items for people in mountainous and ethnic minority areas. Propose solutions to competent authorities to regulate the circulation of goods in each period.
b) Import and Export: 
Implement policy, plan, program, and project to develop and boost the export of goods; create export and import services in the province; 
Manage the import and export activities of domestic enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises, foreign traders without a presence in Vietnam, and the operations of offices and branches of foreign traders in Vietnam in the province. 
c) E-commerce: 
Advise on the development and organize the implementation of mechanisms, policy, project, program, and plan for e-commerce to develop e-commerce application infrastructure, develop human resources for e-commerce management, and support organizations and individuals applying e-commerce in the province; Implement state management content related to e-commerce according to the legal regulations and the decentralization of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
d) Trade Promotion: 
Organizing the implementation of programs, planning, and promoting trade projects to boost exports and support businesses in the province to build and develop Vietnamese brands; 
Organizing, implementing, and inspecting the registration of trade fairs, commercial exhibitions, and promotion for traders; 
e) Competition, Anti-dumping, Anti-subsidy, and Self-defense: 
Guiding the implementation of legal regulations on competition, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, and self-defense in the province; 
Detecting and recommending relevant agencies to resolve under authority on documents with content inconsistent with competition, anti-dumping, subsidy, and self-defense laws; 
Coordinating the support for export businesses in dealing with anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, and self-defense cases from foreign countries; Managing multi-level marketing activities according to legal regulations.
f) Consumer Rights Protection: 
Promulgate under authority or submit to the Provincial People's Committee to promulgate and organize the implementation of legal documents on protecting consumer rights in the locality;
Propagating and disseminating laws on protecting consumer rights; Consulting and support to raise awareness about protecting consumer rights locally; Implementing control of contract templates and general transaction conditions locally according to the provisions of consumer protection law;
Inspecting and supervising the activities of social organizations, reconciliation organizations in resolving disputes between consumers and organizations, and individuals doing business locally; Publicly announcing the list of organizations, individuals doing business in goods and services violating consumer rights under the jurisdiction; 
Inspecting, examining, resolving complaints, denunciations, and handling violations of consumer rights under authority.
g) Economic Integration: 
Implementing plan, program, and specific measure for international economic integration in the province after approval; 
Presiding and coordinating with relevant agencies to propagate, disseminate, and guide the implementation of plans, programs, and regulations on the international economic integration of the locality.
7. Organizing, Implementing, and Responsible for Inspection, Registration, Licensing, and Certification within the Management Scope of the Department as stipulated by law and delegated or authorized by the Provincial People's Committee.
8. Managing, monitoring, encouraging, and supporting businesses, collective economic organizations, private economic entities, associations, unions, and non-governmental organizations under the management of the Department in the province by law.
9. Guiding and inspecting the implementation of the autonomy mechanism and self-responsibility of the Public non-business unit under the management of the industry and trade Department by law.
10. Implementing international cooperation in industry and trade as assigned or authorized by the Provincial People's Committee.
11. Provide professional guidance in industry and trade to the industry and trade offices and economic offices of the People's Committees of districts and cities.
12. Organizing the implementation of plan for research, application of scientific and technological advances, and technology in industry and trade under the Department's management; guide the implementation of standards, economic and technical norms, industrial product quality; build an information storage system to serve state management and professional tasks; organize the implementation of policy, program, plan and project to build and develop rural electricity networks and rural markets in communes in the province, evaluate and recognize communes that meet the criteria for electricity and markets according to the program Presenting the national goal of building new rural areas.
13. Implement the Department's administrative reform program according to the objectives and content of the Provincial People's Committee's executive reform program.
14. Checking and inspecting according to assigned branches and fields of management for organizations and individuals operating in the area of industry and trade; people reception, resolving complaints and denunciations; preventing corruption by law and under the authority of the Provincial People's Committee
15. Managing and organizing the implementation of public services in industry and trade under the Department's management by law.
16. Specifying the function, tasks, power, and working relationship of specialized departments, divisions, and Public non-business units under the Department according to the function, task, and power of the Department following the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Home Affairs and according to the regulations of Provincial People's Committee.
17. Managing organizational structure, job position, civil servant payroll and number of employees, structure of public employees by professional title in Public non-business unit under the Department; Implement salary regime and policy, remuneration, training, fostering, rewards and discipline for civil servants, public employees and employees under the Department's management by law and authority of Provincial People's Committee.
18. Managing according to legal regulations for enterprises, economic organizations, collective economic organizations, private economic entities, households, and non-governmental organizations operating in industry and trade in the province.
19. Financial management and responsibility are assigned and authorized by the Provincial People's Committee.
20. Synthesizing information, report periodically every six months or irregularly on the implementation of assigned tasks to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
21. Implementing other tasks assigned by the People's Committee, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee by law.